Business Conflict Resolution

Are you looking for the perfect resolution…or are you looking for the perfect solution? Or both? And if so, why do we do so when life isn’t perfect?

As President Obama said – rather than having to agree a deal on the ‘fiscal cliff’ at the last minute, wouldn’t a better (and longer lasting deal) have been done without guns to each sides heads (excuse my unfortunate pun)?

As well as having avoided the ‘fiscal cliff’ now is the time of year when resolutions are made – and may even have been broken already! So this month I’d like to suggest a resolution that we all might try, and it’s free!

I’ve often mentioned that, in my view, one of the most essential skills of a mediator is to help people to find a solution to their business disputes that they can live with so they can move on with their lives. A key ingredient for this is to respect the other person’s view, even if you don’t agree with them.

Respect and Kindness in Business

So why not try and be kind and respectful in business? Both to your business partners, staff and fellow businesses? Rather than looking to squeeze the last drop out of a deal to gain more cash or products in the short term, consider the cost of lost goodwill in the longer term – and maybe a worse or no deal next time.

Often being kind or respectful in business is seen as a euphemism for ‘being soft’. I don’t agree. I’ve seen evidence recently suggesting that being kind is becoming more popular as a business development tool.

Just before Christmas, the BBC did an interesting featureon just this topic, so in my view respecting the other person’s view helps achieve a win-win solution rather than win-lose.

In my last blog I mentioned that the season of goodwill isn’t just for Christmas. Go on try it and let’s see how the year develops..Best wishes.
